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Welcome to  My Health Journey

Monica Samuel, Independent MDC
Affiliate 2735387


Hello my name is Monica and I am a successful entrepreneur, a 50 year old wife, mother and grandmother who has found herself to be morbidly obese and have some not so great eating habits. I suffer from pre-diabetes and pre-hypertension. I have decided that it is time for a change in my life. I am on a mission to lose weight and change my eating habits.


I am also passionate about helping others so while on my journey I'm dedicated to providing helpful resources. On this blog you will find informative, motivational and useful tips on health and healing, recipes and more...


I'm also a true believer in CBD. I've just recently started taking CBD oil for an old injury from a car wreck and to also help support a digestion issue and I also realized that it promotes a healthy mood.

While doing research and hearing multiple testimonies, I realized that CBD helps with many issues and there are people who rely on this natural herb daily. I found a company that has full spectrum oil with no fillers.They are US Hemp certified and out of the 22,000 products tested, this company is within the top 13 companies that provide the purest oils and the Farm that supplies them is also with the top 13 companies on the list and the farm is located in Kentucky and if organically grown with no GMO. To find out more about CBD click here.

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