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My Health Journey 

Alkaline VS Acidic Diet

According to the medical profession, all diseases thrive in “acidic” environment ( which is a PH of 6.0 and below). So to help prevent disease and slow the aging process, we need to have our bodies in an “alkaline” state which is PH of 8.0 and above a PH balance of 7.0 is neutral.

To Maintain pH Balance:

Alkaline foods: Your diet should consist of at least 70% to 80% ( and half of this should be raw) Acid Foods: No more than 20% to 30% acidifying foods

PH 6.0 to 7.5 is considered healthy body range. Some people buy ph strips and regularly check their PH levels.

I know this seems to be unrealistic especially in todays time. But there are different things we can do to balance it all out. Each individual is different so you have to figure what works for you.

Aside from eating clean whenever possible, the 2 main things I do is drink water that has a PH of 8.88 and above and drink a detox tea.

Examples Acid Forming Foods:

Animal foods – meat, eggs, dairy – processed and refined foods, yeast products, fermented foods, grains, artificial-sweeteners, fruit, and sugars are acidifying, as are alcohol, coffee, chocolate, black tea, and sodas. I know I’m talking about foods but cigarettes have an acid forming effect on the body as well. Thank God I finally got that one under control.

Examples Alkaline Forming Foods:

Vegetables, on the other hand, are alkalizing. That includes a few that are technically fruits: avocado, tomato, and bell peppers. A few non sweet citrus fruits are also basic in the body, as are sprouted seeds, nuts, and grains. Grains are acidifying, though a few (millet, buckwheat, and spelt) are only very mildly so. Raw foods are more alkalizing, while cooked food is more acidifying. So yeah just putting this out there to share.I’m by far close to this goal. Please use common sense, consults your physician, dietician whom ever. Remember God is our ultimate healer, but he has put these foods out there for our benefit.

Hello my name is Monica and I am a successful entreprenuer, a 50 year old wife, mother and grandmother who has found herself to be morbidly obese ...

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